Alexander von Perfall
Capital Formation
A. von Perfall is qualified to serve on our Board because of his experience with novel business models in the biopharmaceutical industry and his commitment to patient organizations that address health disparities. He has advised Bento Bio since inception.
A. von Perfall is Vice President of Investor Relations & Public Affairs at Royalty Pharma, the largest buyer of biopharmaceutical royalties and a leading funder of innovation across the biopharmaceutical industry. He has deep experience in fundraising, market insights, partnership assessment, operational and financial due diligence, and relationship management in the context of innovative business models. He serves on the boards of Lupus Therapeutics, a non-profit dedicated to accelerating the identification and development of new therapies to treat lupus and of the Alianza Médica para la Salud, a non-profit dedicated to enhancing the quality of health care in Latin America. Previously, he was the co-founder and chief network officer of Marco Polo XTF, the first provider of quantitative Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) ratings, investment decision support tools and multi-currency investable ETF indexes. He previously worked for BMG Entertainment, Bertelsmann AG, and the International Finance Corporation/World Bank Group.
Other Boards
Lupus Therapeutics of the Lupus Research Alliance (LRA)
Alianza Médica para la Salud, Secretary
American Austrian Foundation
MBA, Stern at New York University
Bachelor’s, politics and economics, University of San Francisco