
Design Director

Byron, Bento’s cofounder, leads product design and visual communication strategy across all media. He has been designing award-winning products and providing modern visual communication campaigns for 30 years across a wide range of media, from hospital environments to educational toys and from online user experience to global health campaigns. He has a legacy of innovative design for customer experience and digital mobilization and has a broad base of technical knowledge to guide teams through an array of complicated design problems. He specializes in visual communication for mission impact, public benefit, and stakeholder mobilization. His core competencies include mobile application design and user interface (UI/UX), digital presence and web design, OOBE, mixed reality, viral public service campaigns and engagement, educational software, kinetic imaging and animation, print and digital publication, data visualization, dashboard design, educational games, medtech product design, and consumer product design. Byron is cofounded of Zolo Toy and Digital Games Collection, which was selected for Permanent Exhibition at Victoria and Albert Museum in London, England, and was the best-selling product at the Museum of Modern Art in NYC for over a decade. He has received the Award of Excellence from the American Institute of Graphic Arts, AIGA 50.


  • ArtCenter College of Design, Bachelor of Fine Arts in advertising illustration and graphics packaging