Sandra Higashi
User Experience Director
S. Higashi is responsible for Bento Biology’s user interface (UI) and visual engagement across Bento Biology platforms, products, and mobile applications. She is a graphic designer and digital game designer with over 30 years of multidimensional design expertise with remarkable ability to transform complex data and abstract concepts into a relatable and visually engaging context – whether 2D, 3D, or motion animated. She has designed award-winning products across a wide range of media, with a special ability to promote product adoption and customer experience with clean and compelling end-user applications. As an internationally recognized design leader, she has a wide base of technical knowledge to guide teams through an array of complicated design problems. Her core competencies include website design, mobile app and game design, dashboard design, kinetic imaging and animation design, digital publication design, consumer product design, package design, digital environment design, film, science education, and medtech product design. S. Higashi is Co-Founder of Zolo Toy and Digital Games Collection, which was selected for Permanent Exhibition at Victoria and Albert Museum in London, England, and is a best-selling product at the Museum of Modern Art in NYC. She serves as Co-Founder and Digital Experience Director at Hypatia.
ArtCenter College of Design, Bachelor of Fine Arts in advertising illustration and graphics packaging